

To build this project you will need JDK,ant and parapin-0.90

If you don't already have the JDK then you can download it from install it as per the instructions on the site. Don't forget to set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to the installation location.

Secondly you will need ant. This is available from If you are new to ant then I would recommend downloading the binaries for ease of install. To install ant you basically need to uncompress the binary archive to a location of your choice e.g.
mkdir /usr/local/ant
cp ./jakarta-ant-1.5-bin.tar.bz2 /usr/local/ant
cd /usr/local/ant
tar jxvf jakarta-ant-1.5-bin.tar.bz2

Once this has been done you need to set some environment vars ANT_HOME and PATH to continue with my example I do:
export ANT_HOME=/usr/local/ant/jakarta-ant-1.5
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/ant/jakarta-ant-1.5/bin

Thats ant should now be installed and ready to use. For further information please visit the jakarta web site

ant is the tool used for building the JpicProgrammer project.

download and untar the JPicPrammer-1.0.tar.gz file e.g.
tar zxvf JPicProgrammer.tar.gz
cd JPicProgrammer
Edit the path's in the build.xml file to match your system. The entries that you need to modify look like this:

<property name="src" location="src"/> <!-- location of the java classes when being compiled--> <property name="build" location="classes"/> <!--Java home directory. This will be used when placing the native library into jre/lib/i386 directory--> <property name="JAVA_HOME" location="/usr/local/JBuilder7/jdk1.3.1"/> <!--The installation of the parapin library file. Make sure this path is included in your library path eg export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/lib--> <property name="parapin_dest" location="/usr/local/lib"/> <!--source directory of the parapin project this should be left alone as it is bundled with this project--> <property name="parapin_src" location="parapin-0.90"/>

The important ones here are the JAVA_HOME and the parapin_dest parameters the rest you shouldn't need to touch. Once the build.xml has been modified:

To build and install the sources issue the command
ant install

To build,install and run the sources run
ant run

To clean the sources from compiled files run
ant clean

To remove the installed files run
ant clean_distrib

Remember this is a very early release and have not yet tested everything fully. Your comments will be welcomed. You can contact me at The code is now up to the stage where it will program the PIC 16F84A

A schematic and PCB design has now been produced and lives in the electonics directory. This can be read by a program called eagle which is a fantastic free to use product for hobbyists. My email address is contained in the INSTALL file in the root directory of this project.
For those of you that don't want to install eagle I have created jpeg files of the schematic and board design. These files also live in the electronics directory.
Click here for a component listing WARNING!!!! Connecting home made electronics, when you are not sure what you are doing, could cause serious damage to you and/or your computer. Double check and triple check all of your work before using.

Built and tested the PicProgrammer Board.

I have now built and proof tested the pcb design. I had to modify the board layout a little to provent the tracks from touching when plotted out other than that there was nothing wrong.
I have included some photo's below of the finished product.

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